Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) is a shrub that has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes. It is known for its tart, acidic taste and its bright red berries that are often used in cooking. But barberry is more than just a culinary ingredient. It is also a powerful natural remedy that has been shown to have numerous health benefits.
In this blog post, we will explore the natural health benefits of barberry. We will delve into the active compounds found in the plant, and how they work to promote health and well-being. From supporting digestive health to boosting immunity, barberry has a lot to offer. 
Scientific Names: Mahonia aquifolium, Berberis vulgaris.
Common Names: Oregon grape, Oregon barberry, Oregon grape holly, Sowberry, Woodsour, Berberies, Trailing mahonia.
Plant Parts Used: Stem, root, bark, fruit.

berberis vulgaris

  • Ethnobotanical and traditional uses.
  • Anti-inflammatory / Antimicrobial
  • For Children 
  • For adults

Barberry Plant Description

 The shrub has thorny, gray branches and bright yellow flowers which bloom between April and June. The flowers turn into dropping, and dark red berries in the fall.

Habitat:  Barberry grows throughout Europe and Asia. It has been brought to North America where it can be largely found growing wildly from Canada to Pennsylvania.

Since barberry is an adaptable plant, its habitat varies as any soil and condition is conducive to its normal growth.

When barberry is left to grow up wild, it can grow as tall as 07 to 09 feet high. It prefers full sunlight areas with partial shade.

What is Barberry used for?

Barberry has a long history of use as a medicinal remedy, especially in the Middle Ages. Salishan native elders have used barberry as a treatment for acne. Native Americans also used barberry to treat scurvy. 

A decoction of this plant has been used to efficiently treat coughs and so many ailments known at that time. What’s more, the alkaloid berberine was used as an astringent in eye drops.

The fruit have been largely used to prepare jellies, jams, and juices. The use of this plant in traditional medicine has been limited because of the bitter taste of the bark and root. Additionally, barberry has been used for different medicinal purposes including cholera, cancer, and hypertension. Other uses of barberry include the treatment of these conditions : gout, fever, renal and biliary diseases, rheumatic symptoms, gastric indigestion, diarrhea and dermatosis.

Barberry is highly valued for its antipsoriatic effects and its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant activity. It has been effectively used for treating certain health issues including eczema, candida infection and acne. Plant alkaloids have been discovered to be antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Therapeutic Uses and Health Benefits of Barberry

Barberry is somewhat related to Oregon grape and golden seal as they all contain isoquinolone alkaloids.

Berberine is the most essential of these alkaloids. Based on a laboratory studies, berberine contains an antibacterial, sedative, and anticonvulsant effect.

Berberine is an immune system stimulant, it mainly helps with digestion and gastrointestinal pain. These qualities have been found in the stem and rhizome of the plant.

Berbamine is also an alkaloid found in barberry, it is thought to fight many infections by stimulating the white blood cells. Back to history, barberry has been largely used for more than 2000 years in the Mediterranean and Asia. For instance, in ancient Egypt, barberry was used as an effective preventative against plague and epidemic. What’s more, Indians used it as a remedy for dysentery. 

Traditionally, it has been used to treat skin irritations and digestive disorders. Barberry has an antibiotic and anti inflammation values, that’s why it has been used in the treatment of urinary tract infections, abnormal uterine bleeding and respiratory infections.

It is found to be beneficial to the cardiovascular and neural system. It can be used as a treatment for convulsions and epilepsy. Additionally, barberry has been used as a treatment for hypertension and tachycardia.

* Barberry extracts were used in salve as they may reduce symptoms of psoriasis. But There is no official clinical evidence to support this claim.

Barberry was used to treat diarrhea and parasitic infections. It is also used to treat fungal infections, aid in digestion and prevent some symptoms of indigestion like nausea and heartburn.

Compared to Oregon grape, Barberry can easily stimulate the blood flow to the liver, let alone its enormous capacity to stimulate the secretion of bile.

Barberry Preparation and Dosage

Barberry is STRICTLY not recommended for children. Actually, there is no official report on the plant to give any form of dosing information.

As for adults, barberry can be used in a variety of forms like dried herb, tisane, tincture, capsule or tablet.

Forms of Preparation:

Tea : Whole or crushed berries which are steeped in2/3 cups of boiling water for 15-20 minutes is the perfect method of preparation. 2-4 grams of dried root, or 1-2 teaspoon can  also be used.

Tincture: ½ to 1-1 /2 teaspoon or 300 to 500 milligrams of dry extract 2-3 times daily.

Ointment: About 10% barberry extract applied on the skin 3 times a day.

The dosage and methods of preparation depend STRICTLY on the condition being treated. In other words, some conditions such as digestive problems can benefit from this herb, while skin condition can benefit from the application of salve. That’s why you need to consult your doctor or herbalist for better advice and dosage.

Precautions and Side Effects of Barberry

Pregnancy: Pregnant women shouldn’t use barberry because it is a uterine stimulant.

No official studies have been done concerning the safety of barberry in nursing women, that’s why it is best to avoid using it while nursing. Safety comes first !!

Barberry can cause nosebleed, vomiting, and diarrhea if it is used in inappropriate doses. It can also cause kidney issues, blood in urine, pain during urination and back pain, all these are symptoms of a serious kidney problems. These symptoms should be reported to a doctor straightaway.

Barberry can interact with other medications. Thus, it is important for patients to advise their doctor before using this herb.

Before using barberry, patients need to discuss the therapeutic benefits with a herbalist or a doctor for a better explanation.

Home Natural Treatment Solutions does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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